Tag Archives: Clazziquai

Clazziquai Mucho Punk

Classical jazz,funk and group Clazziquai went on a short break for Alex to release his solo album ‘My Vintage Romance’ and Horan to join project group Ilbadi and release Never Ending Story. The group came back together in 2009 to produce Mucho Punk.

I have been listening to this group every since I first heard Romeo and Juliet on We Got Married. Mucho Punk kept that techno fun that Clazziquai is known for and took it to a more modern level. Continue reading Clazziquai Mucho Punk

Clazziquai Color Your Soul

Clazziquai is a acid jazz,house, electronica, easy listening band that have fresh beats from DJ Clazi along with smooth vocals from male lead Alex Chu and female lead Horan Choi.

Be My Love” and “She Is“, were featured in the Korean hit television drama, My Lovely Samsoon. Clazziquai’s second album, Color Your Soul, charted #3 in the Kyobo Hot track list, as well as #5 in the Hanter Album chart list.Released September 22,2005. Continue reading Clazziquai Color Your Soul